I'm attempting to implement checkbox facets as per https://github.com/funnelback/faceted-navigation/wiki/Checkbox-facets-and-enhanced-faceted-navigation it is mostly working ok.
When I do a search a list, the available facets are appropriate for the results, but when selecting a facet to refine the results futher the list of facets don't change, this means that it is possible to select anther facet that will return no results, which seems undesirable.
Is this expected behavior? or am I missing something.
I'm using
<@fbf.Category tag="">
<li><a href="${fbf.categoryLinkAddress}"><#if fbf.checked><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-check"></span><#else><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-unchecked"></span></#if>${fbf.categoryValue.label}</a></li>