Hi @georgina -
I assume you're referring to the default simple form used to render results - the markup used for different curator actions there would best be regarded as suggested starting points that suit the majority of use cases, rather than hard-and-fast rules.
With some experimentation and minor editing of the corresponding Freemarker snippet, your Curator messages can be styled however you see fit, using whatever wrapping markup you'd like. The default snippets are shown below - note that you could swap out any of the HTML tags and classes as you see fit.
Example 1: if curator exhibits exist, and if there's message HTML to display, wrap it in a <blockquote>
<#if (response.curator.exhibits)!?size > 0>
<#list response.curator.exhibits as exhibit>
<#if exhibit.messageHtml??>
<blockquote class="search-curator-message">
And for different curator actions:
<#assign curatorAdvertPresent = false />
<#list response.curator.exhibits as exhibit>
<#if exhibit.titleHtml?? && exhibit.linkUrl??>
<#assign curatorAdvertPresent = true />
<#if (response.resultPacket.bestBets)!?size > 0 || curatorAdvertPresent >
<ol id="search-best-bets" class="list-unstyled">
<#-- Curator exhibits -->
<#list response.curator.exhibits as exhibit>
<#if exhibit.titleHtml?? && exhibit.linkUrl??>
<li class="alert alert-warning">
<h4><a href="${exhibit.linkUrl}"><@s.boldicize><#noescape>${exhibit.titleHtml}</#noescape></@s.boldicize></a></h4>
<#if exhibit.displayUrl??><cite class="text-success">${exhibit.displayUrl}</cite></#if>
<#if exhibit.descriptionHtml??><p><@s.boldicize><#noescape>${exhibit.descriptionHtml}</#noescape></@s.boldicize></p></#if>
<#-- Old-style best bets -->
<li class="alert alert-warning">
<#if s.bb.title??><h4><a href="${s.bb.clickTrackingUrl}"><@s.boldicize>${s.bb.title}</@s.boldicize></a></h4></#if>
<#if s.bb.title??><cite class="text-success">${s.bb.link}</cite></#if>
<#if s.bb.description??><p><@s.boldicize><#noescape>${s.bb.description}</#noescape></@s.boldicize></p></#if>
<#if ! s.bb.title??><p><strong>${s.bb.trigger}:</strong> <a href="${s.bb.link}">${s.bb.link}</a></#if>
See also: