I am working on a project, which passes parameters query, firstName, lastName, and gender, and the operator amount those parameters is AND.
the parameter firstName is mapped to personFirstName, and personPrimaryFirstName.
the parameter lastName is mapped to personLastName, and personPrimaryLastName.
For instance, If the query send firstName=John Mark, lastName=Smith, gender=Male and query=Movie:
user wants results meet below criterial:
(personFirstName=John OR personPrimaryFirstName=John OR personFirstName=Mark OR personPrimaryFirstName=Mark) AND
(personFirstName=Smith OR personPrimaryFirstName=Smith) AND
gender=Male AND query=Movie
The way I achieve above goal is to manipulate the query in hook-pre-process script like:
q["query"] = Movie |[personFirstName:John personPrimaryFirstName:John personFirstName:Mark personPrimaryFirstName:Mark]
|[personFirstName:Smith personPrimaryFirstName:Smith] |gender=Male
Does a better solution exist?