John Welfare: @here Hey guys, is there any way to upweight results by URL (gscope) or original collection within a meta collection?
John Welfare: Client's tried qie.cfg, but only runs at index time so ignored by the meta collection
Peter Levan: yes and yes
John Welfare: oooh
Peter Levan: meta collection components
Peter Levan: gscopes - you need to set some query processor options for that.
John Welfare: good golly
John Welfare: query processor options being the cool options?
Peter Levan: yep - cool.68 / cool.70 and cool.69 /cool.71
John Welfare: perfect, thanks a lot Peter
Peter Levan: you also need to set -cgscope1 or -gscope2
Peter Levan: sorry -cgscope2
Peter Levan: Note: with meta components make sure you document the weightings applied and make a note to have them reapplied on upgrade as you'll probably lose the settings when you upgrade. There is an open ticket to fix this but it's pretty low priority as this feature isn't used much
John Welfare: ok perfect thanks Peter