If you have been reading my earlier posts then you will know that we are currently beavering away on implementing a new approach to collection creation. Those of you familiar with Funnelback will also be aware that creating a collection is just one of a number of things you can configure when setting up your Funnelback search.
In order to accommodate the new approach and provide sensible access to all the other configuration options we are reworking the Administration Dashboard landing page. The design for this page is now at a stage where I can provide you with a sneak peek.
So, drumroll please..., here it is
We've also got a first draft of the summary pages for results pages and data sources.
Data Sources Summary Screen
Results Pages Summary Screen
Note that all of these pages are still works in progress so some items are still missing. The intent of this post was to give you an idea of how the pages are forming up not provide you a view of the finished product.
Interested to hear your thoughts on the direction we are heading so feel free to add comments on this post