The search is currently unavailable message usually indicates an issue with the search indexes.
I had a quick look at the page and if you view the search page that is being called by your page you will see an error message in the response:
error: {
userMsg: "This search is currently unavailable.",
adminMsg: "[63] Cannae open bldinfo file
This message basically means there is something wrong with the meta collection indexes. The first thing you can try is to go to your meta collection and edit the component indexes - remove and re-add one of the components then save the changes. This should hopefully regenerate the index.sdinfo (which is an index file that basically tells the meta collection which data source collections are included).
If this doesn't work you might also need to run an update of one of the data sources that is included in the meta collection. You can just run a reindex and that should fix the issue.
If the problem persists it could be something else. Do you have a multi-server Funnelback setup? If so, there could be an issue with syncing the indexes between the admin and query processing nodes.
If you continue to have issues you might need to raise a support request and someone can help you investigate the issue properly.
I hope this helps.