I think basically not without a bunch of work, as it doesn't really have the concept you want. "so i can't even reference the index of one list to output the correct position on another list (if that makes sense!!)." that all makes sense.
Something you could do, to sort of do what you want is write a filter (or do this externally). Take your inner Tuple
convert it to a nice bit of JSON and then map that to metdata.
So update your XML to contain (externally or in a filter):
"tuple": {
"irn": "40",
"NamFullName": "David Octavius Hill & Robert Adamson",
"BioBirthDate": "1843",
"BioDeathDate": "1847",
"NamPartyType": "Organisation",
"NamOrganisation": "David Octavius Hill & Robert Adamson"
Note the XML encoding.
Edited metadata mappings and map that new XML element I mapped:
to AsJson
Re-index and at search.json I could see:
"AsJson": [
"{ \"tuple\": { \"irn\": \"40\", \"NamFullName\": \"David Octavius Hill & Robert Adamson\", \"BioBirthDate\": \"1843\", \"BioDeathDate\": \"1847\", \"NamPartyType\": \"Organisation\", \"NamOrganisation\": \"David Octavius Hill & Robert Adamson\" } } "
Apply JSON decoding ( i think you will have to do that either in a hook script or some JS). Then formatting that string gives:
"NamFullName":"David Octavius Hill & Robert Adamson",
"NamOrganisation":"David Octavius Hill & Robert Adamson"
Note that some changes to white space might be made like double space may be removed, if that is an issue encode spaces in json I think you can do that with \uXXXX
. Also be sure to use that \uXXXX
thing for any default metadata separators the default being |